Trump Has A Pattern Of Defending, Befriending, Nominating And Hiring Men With Patterns Of Sexual Abuse, Domestic Violence And Infidelity.
Smart Again
A Pro-Democracy Blog
Was Hegseth’s mother bribed or threatened to appear on Fox today to retract the public scathing assessment she once gave of her son’s past abusiveness towards women? Were the scores of eyewitnesses who have come forth giving accounts of his pattern of public drunkenness and inappropriate actions towards women all lying? Is Hegseth really the best qualified person in America to run the Dept. Of Defense? Trump voters are you paying attention? It’s loyalty not competence that will be running our country and your vote makes you an accomplice in any crimes against the Constitution they commit. ( follow on instagram @ babyboomerresistanceAdd Rudy Guiliani, Rob Portman, and Jeffrey Epstein to the locker room boys club. Sadly, millions of women find misogynists attractive. Toxic masculinity attracts women who have low opinions of themselves and/or do not believe women are equal to men.He was creepy as a young man, creepy as a middle-aged man, and grossly creepy as an old man. FOR CHRISTIANS WHO VOTED FOR HIM, YOUR JESUS DID NOT HAVE A MAN LIKE THIS IN MIND TO BE THE FACE OF YOUR RELIGION. HE IS DEGRADING, NOT ELEVATING YOUR FAITH, AND BECAUSE YOU GOT BRAINWASHED, THE REST OF US WILL NOW SPEND FOUR YEARS OPPOSING, RESISTING, AND DEMOLISHING THIS HATEFUL, EMBARRASSING MOVEMENT AND IT’S LEADER