Once again we are experiencing fear and embarrassment because of the behaviors of the unstable man inhabiting the Oval Office. The enablers owe America an apology and restitution.
Definitions that define Trump:
Autocrat- An imperious, dominant ruler who demands blind obedience from others.
Dictator- An absolute ruler where no checks and balances exist or are not adhered to
Demagogue– A leader who makes use of popular prejudices and false claims to gain power
Fascist– Radical, right-wing authoritarian characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition, and strong regimentation of society and the economy
Despot– A person executing absolute power in a tyrannical or oppressive way.
Traitor– A person who betrays a friend, country or principle
Criminal– A person involved in a criminal offense regardless of whether it results in personal gain.
Shyster – Someone who might rip you off or do something unethical for their own personal gain
Pathological liar- Someone who lies without guilt and who uses lies to control, manipulate or take advantage of people or situations
Diagnoses: DSM-V. Diagnostic Descriptions that describe Trump
Narcissistic Personality Disorder 301.81
A grandiose logic of self-importance
A fixation on fantasies of infinite success, control or brilliance, beauty or idyllic love
A credence that he or she is extraordinary and exceptional and can only be understood by, or should connect with, other extraordinary or important people and institutions
A desire for unwarranted admiration
A sense of entitlement
Interpersonally oppressive behavior
No form of empathy
Resentment of others or a conviction that others are resentful of you
A display of egotistical or conceited behaviors or attitudes
Anti-Social Personality Disorder. 301.7
Failure to obey laws and norms by engaging in behavior that results in a criminal arrest or would warrant criminal arrest
Lying, deception, and manipulation for profit or amusement
Impulsive behavior
Irritability and aggression and frequent assaults on others or engaging in fighting
Blatantly disregards the safety of self or others
A pattern of irresponsibility
Lack of remorse for his actions
To protect our democracy, we should only elect sane, qualified, and moral presidents. Saying Trump is just a “different politician” and is self-deluding and deflects away from the severe pathological behaviors he engages in. Changing norms does not have to involve the kind of abnormal, detrimental behavior patterns described in the definitions mentioned above.
Trump would just as quickly aim his rage and prejudice at white middle America if it profited him. His supporters have been duped into believing that he cares about them. This administration has gone beyond “disrupting the norms”. It is operating like an autocracy and disrespecting the institutions and values that define America. The government has become dangerously unstable, and if Trump is enabled to tear apart our institutions, America will not be a democracy.
WE, THE PEOPLE, have a better vision for America than Trump’s aggressive, immoral, ignorant, and autocratic vision. We will recover our national pride and optimism as soon as Trump is out of office and MAGA is declared a domestic terror organization TO BE SHUT DOWN.